Communications revolution is one of the biggest steps in human history. This revolution began with the telegraph and after appeared the telephone, the radio, the television and finally the computer. Since computer’s invention, information and knowledge spreads at the speed of light. Almost every person is at the distance of just one click to one another. This could be positive, but also implies that you are becoming closer to criminals. Cyber-crime is a new modality of crime that employs computers like a target, a weapon or both to commit its illegal activity.
Every day we employ computers and internet for fundamental activities in our lives like communicating, storing and sharing personal information and for processing of financial transactions.
We can use internet to communicate to friends in any place around the world by e-mail, video conference, using on-line call services like Skype or publishing broadcast messages trough social network like Facebook and Tweeter.
Computers have become tremendous personal data bases with information like photographs, accounting data, work reports, homeworks and much more. Environmental campaigns have promoted to stop printing documents and to use digital documents instead of that. This implies that digital information has to be backed up with more digital information, converting data bases in a critical point.
Commercial activities can also be done “on-line”, so you don’t have to physically go to a shop to buy clothes, electronics, music and even food. Financial transactions can be done trough internet banking, so you don’t have to be afraid about taking large amounts of money with you or spending hours in queues in a bank.
Technology has its benefits, but there spaces open for criminals to violate rules, interfering with communications, modifying computer information and stealing personal information. We are going to talk about spam, computer viruses and internet fraud.
The word spam is used to refer at unsolicited commercial e-mail. Electronic mail users are infested most of the time with adds about porn, medicines, casinos, travels and many other activities. Investment costs are zero for the spammers and it is very difficult to track the origin of the messages. Spammers can supplant e-mail addresses and give the wrong idea that the messages is being sent from a friend. E-mail providers have to increase capacity unnecessarily to attend the big flow of spam in order to prevent the accidentally lost of and important message. Some other methods for spamming include websites with keywords about popular searches but with no content about it, just to be ranked first by the search engine or pop-up windows with advertisements when you click on a link.
The second kind if crime consists in a computer program with the ability to copy itself, modifying information in the host computer. Viruses can go from one computer to another by removable devices like usb memories, compact discs or by computer networks. Viruses have economical impacts by the fact that people and industries have to spend millions of dollars in antivirus programs. Hacker is the name for criminals dedicated to the creation of viruses and programs for computer intrusion. Hackers can take economical advantage by creating viruses and selling the cure. Hackers are also responsible of creating many damaging programs like spyware and adware. Spyware are programs that collect personal information sent to a hacker to be eventually sold. Adware and advertising programs executed while navigating on internet or during program installation with unwanted advertisements.
The third crime is internet fraud and cheating. Inexistent business and people offer trough e-mail fake tour, prizes for competitions you’ve never participated, ask for donations for children that don’t exist or just ask for bank account or credit card information. Many people fall in this traps paying for services they will never receive of giving personal information that will allow access to criminals to your money
Countries have begun to implement laws against cyber-crimes but without evident results. One big problem with cybernetic crimes is the fact that criminals are hard to find. Consequences are as little as just pissing off users and as serious as collapsing internet servers and data base servers with millions of dollars lost.
Cyber-crime is becoming popular every day and we don’t see an effective solutions to this problem.