Book: "A briefer history of time"
This book consists in an easy comprehending version of its predecessor "A brief hystory of time" (a best seller). Seven years ago i read "A brief history of time" and it called my attention by the fact that the author proposed himself not to use mathematical equations in the book and try to explains his theories without them, well... he did it. So, "A briefer history of time" is an easy digest version of a book written for the popular reader. Physical principles explained in both books are born and expantion of universe, space, time and forces. It is interesting that physics has proposed itself to explain all forces with just one equation.
Henry speech was about his difficulties and, in general, for engineers to communicate with other people. I do agree that engineers are caracterized for being shy. Some people have the ability to talk in front of people, and they hardly become enginners, but mostly in the future they become journalists, politicians, teachers or lawyers.In my opinion, Henry did it well taking to a group of people, so i don't really understand his problem.
White Sharks
Probably most of us have seen the movie "Jaws", so we are familiarized with the situation concerning to the danger represented by white sharks. I didn't know that California has the biggest white shark population around the world, so propably i'll never visits their beaches in my life. I understood that the origin of white shark is because of the convergency of many rivers that attrack many animal for eating salmon of their waters.
"Open bars"
Javier shared with us an articule taken from La Nación about activities called "Open Bars" which consist in paying an amount at the entrace of a bar with the privilege of drinking all you want. The articule criticizes the changes on behavior because of the consumption of alcohol, where people tend to be more sociable because they have lost any inhibitions. Other problem asociated is the allowance of selling alcoholic drinks to young people under 18. In my opinion "Open Bars" are a good way for buying a lot of alcohol at an affordable price in a place with nice music and ambience. The problem of young consumers is a matter of supervision.
ICE - One century of electric activity in CR
It consists in a review of a book refered to a hundred years of electric energy supplying in our country. It highlights the contribution of Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad (ICE) to the development of energy, and later, of telecommunications. In this moment, ICE has to be more competitive because of the opening of telecommunications market. I think that costarrican owe to ICE part of its economical growth along its last century of history.
Family, Work and english clases
Luis Chaverri told us about his family. He has arround 20 years of being married and his son in at college. He told us that he never coursed english classes while he was at school. His son helped to him preparing this presentation, he's a very good student and wants to be a doctor. It is very satisfactory to see a father expressing how proud is he about his family and work.
Becoming elderly
The book read by Sandra was about a couple of elderly persons waiting for help. She made a reflection about retirement and the need of looking forward and plan our lives thinking in elderly. Everybody has the hope of keeping in contact with their relatives. The message is simple: take care of old people, they did it for you, so they deserve the same.
Carlos Castañeda
Carlos Castañeda was a writter, author of many books. His stories where about "chamanes", name used to designate indian magicians.The writter seemed to be a very particular personal, with a very strange personality.
"Un actor se prepara"
María José is a theatrical actress, so she read a lot about theatrical performance.She presented us a book she has read about acting, writted by a russian director. Its thematic is about techniques for body expression. I admire people who practice acting, because they have to memorize dialogs (somenthing that i can't).
Rich father, poor father
This book explains a theory about financial intelligence. The main idea is that i may be more important how to manage money instead of being rich, because you can lose it accessing to loans you can't pay. The book is about this two cases, a rich father with no control over his finances and a poor father who knows what to do with his money. The message about this story is about giving to our kids a proper financial education.
Learning a foreign language
Cristian made a presentation with some tips for learning easily languages different from our native language. He indicates that is easier to learn languages which precedence are from the same linguistical root, for example italian and spanish or german and dutch. He also told us about an italian priest who learned about 27 languages (with great ponouncition). I think that the main key is trying to thing in the other language and practicing as much as we can.
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